
NEW RELEASE and a NSFW excerpt from NO SHAME (Redemption's End Book Two)

  This book...Gods, this book is something else! lol But it's finally here! Before we jump into the excerpt, I just wanted to drop a quick note about what writing a demon with a bigger heart than he'll ever admit—along with two men who struggle to believe love can ever be safe or real—was like. Gunner is an interesting character, because he absolutely will use being a demon as his reason for doing...pretty much anything. But he has a strong moral code and he cares so much it hurts sometimes. I wanted to shake him and tell him 'If you stop pushing everyone away, you won't feel so alone!' He needed to learn that on his own, though. And he has an incredible found family to help him get there. Without erasing the fact that he is a demon, and they don't live in a gentle land of fluffy bunnies and hourly hugs, this story was going to be gritty, intense, and sometimes a little scary. The passion and the love are strong enough to survive in this world, though. One that

NEW RELEASE and an excerpt from NO ESCAPE (Redemption's End Book One)

  A couple days past release day, but I got a nasty cold that's slowed down all the stuff and things I need to do. So far testing negative for the great big C, so fingers crossed it stays that way. Not gonna stop me from celebrating though. This book has been in the works for two years and I'm so happy to FINALLY have it out of the deep, dark cave of wonders where WIPs get stashed away like hidden treasures. I'm not sorry it took that long though, because giving the story and these characters a chance to really grow in my mind and develop as much as they did was worth it. The excitement of writing a story where the characters are so fleshed out all you have to do is let them lead the way is pure magic. And with a book like this, that kind of magic wasn't an option. Before I share the excerpt with you, I want to bring up something a few readers have told me. Some hesitated to dive in because of what they thought the book would be, but were pleasantly surprised. I'm r

Some personal notes, What's Coming Next, and a Cover Reveal!

 If you ever see me without several projects going at once, I'm probably nursing the muse back to health after he's been through some things lol Usually one too many projects and not enough rest!  2023 kicked my ass, and things had been rough for a while. I was handling a lot on my own and it wasn't until I got a few things off my plate that I remembered who I am and what I'm capable of. Like most authors, I've had my fair share of crappy jobs, I've tried out different things, but I always come back to needing to write like my life depends on it. Because it does. Giving voice to so many different characters, building worlds, exploring love and friendship and found family is at the core of every story I write. I love sharing these stories with readers, but as I've said before, staying true to the story always comes first. If I feel I can't give a story my all, I'd rather shelve it for the moment and come back to it when I'm in a better place to do

Saying Goodbye to The Asylum-Release of Past Justice: Book 4

 Some have heard this already, and for others, it might come as a blow. But The Asylum series has reached its conclusion. There are a lot of reasons why I decided not to pursue the opportunity I was given to continue writing this series on my own. It's not because of lack of story, every single reader sees the potential there. But it was time to let go. Time to accept there was a pattern repeating itself that was insurmountable. But since I wrote this massive book without focusing on that, I'm not going to share it with that as a center point. No matter what went wrong, the priority for me was finishing this storyline that showed not only Garet, Ezran, and Sin's HEA, but how The Asylum, the men who started it, impacted their lives and the lives of everyone around them. I'm going to touch on spoilerish territory, but bear with me. Noah's story, along with Lawson, Curtis, and Jared, was always central to The Asylum. Because it was Noah's dream first, where he was

New Release Past Justice Book 3 (The Asylum Fight Club)

The day will come when a release goes smoothly and I manage to keep on top of all the things. But today is not that day! lol I completely missed posting about PJ Book 2, but hopefully you've seen it in the newsletter or other alerts. If not, you're in for a treat! You were also left with a huge cliffhanger, so getting this book to you was a priority. The journey continues with all our favourites from The Asylum. Despite the cold the subs are trapped in, their love for one another helps them through the harshest conditions in the fight for survival. And no matter what's thrown at them, the tenderness and warmth built from connections with this found family can't be beaten down. To recover what's been lost means a new beginning. But starting from scratch doesn't usually involve so much snow. Garet Kincaid never expected to be allowed back into The Asylum. Or to rekindle young love with something stronger. Something fueled by trust, acceptance... And a little

NEW RELEASE: Past Justice: Part One (The Asylum Fight Club) with EXCERPT

  Late as usual, but I'm excited to share the latest release in the Asylum Fight Club Saga!   Readers find this series downright addictive, so if you haven't dived in yet, you're in for a treat!   This is not a beautiful love story. But there is beauty in the darkness, and a love within family forged in blood, pain, regret, and triumph. To start here is to slip back to where it all began. From the boy who embraced a tempting nightmare to escape a hopeless reality, to the men who came together to find a home where even the most fragile heart, or the most depraved one, can be made whole. The Asylum is more than a fight club. Two teens raised within this haven drift away from the core of all it has to offer, drawn back as adults to find what they lost. One man, Sinaan 'Sin' Persaud, can bring them together, but only once he uncovers the war waged within the walls where romance can bring the sweetest pain and pleasure comes from indulging in things most speak

NEW RELEASE: Broken Justice (The Asylum Fight Club Book 10)

Quick post because I'm doing all the things and 2022 is gonna be a HUGE year for releases. But we're starting it up with a new one already! Check it out <g> Gun-for-hire River Capaldi's assignments at The Asylum should be pretty tame: -Find a missing shrink. -Collect intel. -Make sure future holiday gatherings don't get bloody. Only one problem. No one's rolling out the welcome mat until he proves he isn't a threat to the found family made up of a ragtag collection of fighters and their men. Thankfully, he's got some strong connections to smooth the way. And their trust comes with a few perks. -His very own sub to protect. -On-site accommodations. -And front row seats for some sexy drama. The longer River stays, the more drawn he is to this safe haven in the center of a brutal world. A few rounds in the ring becomes a seductive dance. Not a life he can indulge in long-term, but for the men he begins to think of as friends and lovers? He'll