
Showing posts from March, 2016

Literarily the WORST kind of authors and FIVE instances of asshatery

This could end up being a very long post, because there's a lot of waffle dicks out there, but I want to keep it short and light, so I'll name FIVE instances that will turn me off an author to the point that I add them to my NEVER read pile and put their picture up on my dartboard. So let's get started.   5. Constant Ego Masturbators These ones are actually kinda fun to watch, when you learn to spot them. Picture them getting soooo close to coming as they tell you about all their accomplishments. This often happens when you're having a regular, unrelated conversation, and they interrupt everyone to brag. Congratulating them is not enough, they need a certain number of strokes before they find release! "Oh, you have a dog? I wrote an award winning book about a Tasseled wobbegong! And I've been on three radio shows to talk about it, it's such an awesome piece of literary fiction. Have you read it yet? You really should. Charlie Shee...

Gay For You and the real danger...

As I wrote this, I planned to save it. Put it aside for a bit and decide if I really want to post it at all. But I've never been a coward. And I'm not gonna hold my tongue now. This whole situation is frustrating and as good at I am at the word thing, I'm not sure I have the right ones to express how I feel. I've seen questions about this before, and to me, it was clear. Can a woman have been with men, and now identify as a lesbian if she falls in love with a woman and only wants to be with that one woman for the rest of her life? I would say yes. She can claim that identity. Maybe it wasn't how she felt ten years ago, but it is who she is today. BUT WAIT! That ruins the whole idea of being born a certain way. You can't change who you are. She's bisexual.  Now, in my opinion, THAT'S harmful. Someone else is choosing how she can identify. She is only one person, but I don't think anyone has the right to decide who she is a...

Can the Cobras get some LOVE?

Ya, I know, you guys love them and that's awesome! <g> I just wanted to give any super fans one last chance to get in on the uber love!  I try not to do super promoeyish posts too often, so to make it up to those not wanting to buy anything, here's a sexy gif I'm using to inspire me while working on Line Brawl. ;) And for those really paying attention? There's a little teaser at the bottom of the page. ;) Anyway, so first thing: We've got the Cobra Roster shirt , only available for TWO more days! I did a bigger campaign to keep the price down, so we still need 2 more sold to reach minimum.  I love doing these campaigns, because so many people ask for them, but I'm never sure which design I should put up. If there's one you'd like, or that you've seen and want me to do again, please let me know! Click HERE to go grab the shirt! <3  We also have some new playing cards if you're interested: ...

Let's be straight. Who can write LGBT?

Well, match yourself up to a letter. There you go, you may now write about that letter and all it represents. But ONLY that letter because, naturally, you couldn't possibly understand anything beyond your own sexuality! If that sounds ridiculous, you'll likely appreciate the rest of the post. If it sounds perfect to you? Well, then write in your box. You have every right to do so. But you don't get to drag anyone else into the box with you. Romance is beautiful. Writers of romance should understand the very basics. There must be love. There must be a Happily Ever After or at least a Happily For Now. There must be a story. That's it. Those are the only true requirements for writing romance. You can argue that if you're writing about certain professions, or lifestyles, you should do enough research and speak to enough people involved to show respect to your subject matter. This gives a better story, and I know I lose interest in a book ...

That's NOT a Ménage Romance!

You may not know this about me, but I love menage romance. I love it so much that I get kinda grumpy when I read a love triangle that would sooo make a better menage! I'm looking at you Twilight. There's just something about being forced to choose between two people you love that doesn't seem romantic to me at all. Yes, it happens in real life. Yes, a lot of people aren't into sharing. And some people enjoy the angst and drama of a love triangle in fiction. You can cheer for the heroine to pick the 'right' guy, enjoy all the attention she's getting, and be happy you're not in that mess yourself. Not my thing, but I get the appeal. A story like that can still have a Happily Ever After for all. Usually the third guy is really an asshole anyway, so no big deal him fading into the background. But if you want to label a book as a ménage romance, at no point should any of the partners be stuffed away like a sex toy you're done using. I...

YOU GOTTA READ THIS! Reader reviews March 7th, 2016

Hell on Hells (audio version) By Robyn Peterman Narrated by Amanda Ronconi   Reader purchased-February 12th, 2016 from audible *verified* If you have read the kindle/print version than you don't want to miss this amazing story on audio. The narrator brings an amazing element to an already awesome story. The author does an amazing job of writing a story that is so snarky, fun and just freaking amazing. I laughed my butt off so many times while I was listening to this at times it was a little hard to drive I was laughing so hard. If you are a fan of Robyn Peter...

Amazon is eating out reviews like a juicy...steak. I might have a solution ;)

That actually doesn't sound as unpleasant as it is, but I think there's enough negativity going around and I'm excited, so I naturally start referring to everything sexually! lol! Yeah, it's a problem. ;) Anyway, I've seen a lot of chatter on the great big virtual web that's trapped us all and helplessness isn't a good look for me. So I came up with an idea. I'm hoping to put together a blog for reviews at some point, but for now, I'm going to do a segment here. Called 'You Gotta Read This!'  There are tons of blogs out there, and they do an amazing job of spreading the word about some great books. But when it comes to less popular books, books that don't have the marketing or the established following to gain exposure, there's only one thing that can really give them a chance to shine. And that's the READERS. Most of you know this already. This is why you tell all your friends about your favorite book...