Artists I ADORE-Coin Ring Bling

There are few things I enjoy more than showing support for other artists. Learning a craft and sharing it with the world can be tough, but we have an awesome community, and I figured it would be cool to spotlight those I've come across that I absolutely love.

Not sure how often I'll do posts like this, but when I do it will be me randomly picking my favorites. Could be authors, painters, jewelry makers, whatever.

Today, I want to show you the work of Coin Ring Bling!

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These rings are all made with different coins, which is really cool. Right now me and my girls each have one made from State themed quarters. I got Texas.

The picture doesn't do the ring justice. It's so pretty and fits comfortably, even when I'm writing. I've never found a ring that works with typing before--that's a me thing, some authors can type with rings on all their fingers.

Not sure they're human, but it's impressive. ;)
My next ring is going to be a big, badass silver piece. I don't wear much jewelry, but I'm a tad bit obsessed with these.

Check it out and you'll see why!
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I must have this one too! Because...DRAGONS!

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I'm simply in awe of how beautiful these are!
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If you want to see more rings like this, or you wanna order one for yourself, check out the store here:
Know of any artist you think are absolutely incredible? Tell me about them in the comments!

If it's your own work, feel free to brag a bit! I won't promise to feature anyone on the blog, but I'll definitely check you out!

Hope everyone's having an awesome Thursday! Hugs and Kisses and tons of love! <3


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