Offended? REPORT REPORT REPORT! You might be able to 'RUIN' someone. Unless WE get in your way...PETITION

This is gonna be a quick one. Since last night, myself and several INCREDIBLE people have gotten together to help support a photographer who's been locked off his page for sharing his pictures. You know, the really obscene ones of women's asses...

Wait, no, that's not it. A female ass is fine.

OH! Yes, it must be a bloody picture on the first page of a news report...

Naw, why would that both anyone? I love beheadings with my coffee in the morning.

Here's some examples of the pictures that get reported:

In this case, one of the people who reported the photos--on a page you have to like to see, or perhaps your friends or family liked, in which case the IS the option to tell Facebook 'I don't want to see posts like this'--went so far as to tell Michael Stokes that they would ruin him. There's no mistaking the intentions. This person knows Facebook has given them the power to lock someone off their page and remove photos they find offensive.

At one point, people could report photos of men kissing and have them removed. That policy has changed because enough people spoke up. I know, I've been reported, but never locked out! <g>

So Facebook DOES listen. If enough of us speak up and ask them to review their policies, they might just do it. If you agree that Facebook should reevaluate the power they give people to shut down a page that shows artistic photos nowhere near as explicit as many allowed in the media, please sign this petition:

STOP Censoring Artistic Photos by Michael Stokes and Locking him off his page

We're off to an amazing start, with over 500 signatures in less than 14 hours, and I believe we'll have the numbers we need to be heard in no time! So thank you in advance. This is why I believe people, as a whole, are pretty damn awesome! :D


  1. i you don't like his picture just delete them. His picture are very well done they conceal all the mens privates and that is the big thing. It's ok to show a women's breast, and ass but nothing else. Men you get to show their ass. Seriously Facebook is wrong.

  2. Bianca, Thank you for having this petition. Michael is a wonderful photographer and deserves to show the world what his awe inspiring photographs.

  3. I LOVE his work!! Will sign the petition. :)
    Hopefully they allow him back asap.


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