This has been a looong time coming, but I'm so happy I'm finally getting to share it with you all! So excited that I decided not to wait and spread out my releases. As one does! lol

For those who love The Cobras, you've been so awesome and patient and I'm very grateful for you coming along for the ride over these past...almost ten years?

Most importantly, the journey isn't over. Besides the 10th Dartmouth Cobra full length coming this fall, there are a few more shorts planned.

Then TWO spinoffs.

Life got in the way, making it hard to get these books out as soon as I wanted, but now I'm back on track. And the muse is being a sweetheart. Light a candle and send out some positive energy that he keeps it up!

Now for the book! I'll be adding links as they become available, so if you don't see your preferred store, it's coming! 

Hardcore Training leads to a winning team.

Why should parenting be any different?

Luke Carter has messed up a lot of things in the past, but being a dad and a husband? He’s gonna get that right.

Practice should help, except there are strategies on the ice that work with unexpected scenarios that come up with a baby.


But if this family can figure out how to juggle diaper changes, bottles, and alternating naps, maybe they can manage the next step.

Making it down the aisle.



The other book released today is the latest in the Out of the Ring Asylum books. If you're not caught up on the series, make sure to check it out! The next full length is coming out next month!

Creating The Roughhouse Cafe is Matt Kincaid's dream come true. Even when the local gang gets too close for comfort. Or when a 'helpful' popstar's promo efforts have customers lining up around the block.

Matt's totally got this.


The Asylum subs come to the rescue, breaking a few rules in the process. And there's no keeping secrets from the Doms for long.

Kink and coffee apparently go together real well.

Both best when served up hot.





If you want to get your hands on all the latest from me before everyone else, be sure to check out my Patreon: 

To be honest, I had a hard time keeping up with it for a while, but those that stuck around have gotten some special goodies and there's more to come. If it's not your thing, no worries. You know I'll share everything with y'all before long.

I hope you had an awesome week and enjoy your weekend!

Happy Reading!


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