There are NO gay players in the NHL-PART Two (Saku Koivu's reply in English and French)
Not the most flattering picture, but I'll never forget how excited I was to meet this amazing man. He signed a hat for me which I have locked away in a safe until I can get a special hat display. Might sound nuts, but I learned after my daughter lost half the team's signatures on a hat she accidentally mixed in with the laundry. I may never get another chance to meet him, so I'm taking no risks! So back to the interview! Again, here's the link if you'd like to watch it (Question at 39:00) : **Credit to Jade Baiser for the French translation: "In November, Mr. Molson stated in an interview with the Gazette that the Canadiens would welcome an openly gay player on their roster. As a former Hab, do you think the atmosphere in the locker room would make acceptance that easy?" En Novembre, M. Molson a déclaré dans une interview à la Gazette que les Canadiens accueilleraient un ...