RELEASE DAY for Iron Cross (The Dartmouth Cobras #6)

The plan was to release on June 20th, but we were trying to make sure Barnes & Noble people didn't have to wait for weeks this time. And we got a surprise!

Instead of taking 48 hours like we expected, the book was up the same day!

Which meant EARLY RELEASE!!!!

Readers knew it was up even before I did and news spread fast! My wonderful formatter from Illustrious Illustions rushed to get Iron Cross up on Amazon and...

Now it's up EVERYWHERE!!!! 

Not only that, the INCREDIBLE fans of the Cobras have gotten Iron Cross up to #3 on the SPORTS FICTION list on Amazon! None of the books have ever gotten on the list this quickly!

Speaking of which, if you don't have it yet...
Barnes & Noble:
All Romance:

If you're on the fence about getting it, you should check out some of the reviews. Shayna Renee's Spicy Reads has an amazing review and an exclusive excerpt. here:

I was so excited when I read it this morning! Seriously, this is not just a reason to use another animated .gif! lol! 

 "When authors create characters like this, they become a part of that author, a part of their family, and a part of that author’s heart and soul. I feel the same way as a reader. These people have become a part of my family, and every time I finish a book, it hurts to say goodbye. To reach a reader on such an emotional level, with the characters alone, is just unbelievably amazing to me. Bianca Sommerland is a brilliant author who I know will continue to do great things. She will continue to pull at our heart-strings. She will continue to make our breaths hitch. And she will continue to bring us some of the most erotic, emotional, sex scenes that I have ever read."~Shayna

There's also a few other places that have been spreading the word about the release. Click the banner below for more!

So happy to finally get to share this with you all! Happy reading and...

Hope you enjoy getting into the game with the Cobras!


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