Release Day and A Giveaway!

So today is the day! I've already shared excerpts and gone on and on about it (If you missed any excerpts, I'll give you a link to them below).

Right now, I'd like to hear from you! If you have any questions, shoot! I'll be checking the comments regularly and I'll answer anything that won't spoil the story for people who haven't read it yet! 

The prize is one random comment will be chosen to win their choice of any of my books, including Deadly Captive: Collateral Damage! You'll need two things to enter for the random drawing. A question and your email address in the comment. 

Link to the excerpts: DCCD Excerpts
Links to other appearances and giveaways: 


  1. Hi! I am a new follower (just followed from one blog to another to another, lol). My question would be: Do the books need to be read in order? Do I need to read Deadly Captive before reading Deadly Captive: Collateral Damage?

    Thanks for the giveaway! *fingers crossed*
    June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  2. Very good question, June!

    Let's see. The way DCCD is written, you could technically read it without DC, but there are subtle things you might miss without reading the first book. Cyrus for example. The impact of Nicole first meeting him lessens somewhat without the prior knowledge of who he is and what he will do to her. Then again it doesn't take long for her--or the reader--to find out!

  3. How on earth did you come up with Cyrus? :)

    I don't need to be registered for the contest. :) I have them both.

  4. Hmm...well, to be honest, Cyrus isn't the kind of man you 'come up with'. Honestly, he's been living in the darkest part of my mind, impatiently waiting for me to write his story. Most of my characters are like that, but he's unique in the way he controlled most of the scenes he was in. Between him and my muse it's amazing that the good guys triumphed. Neither is all that concerned about happily-ever-afters, but the characters that volunteered to face him (or were drafted ) were up to the challenge.

  5. would you ever consider writing a pre quel telling the story of how and why Cyrus turned into an evil sadistic pain loving brutal vamp that he is?

  6. Actually, I'm doing an interview with him which you can read here: that may answer some of those questions. The third part of this interview will be up soon. More questions will be answered in the last book of Deadly Captive (this was always intended as a trilogy) but...yes, I may eventually revisit Cyrus during his earliest, twisted years ;)

  7. What edge play do you want to add into one of your BDSM stories that you don't know about, want to research, but don't know where to start?

    Please enter me. :)

  8. Hmm. Well, I've played around with a few, but I'd like to go further into breath play and knife play. I'm pretty good at research and have awesome resources to get an inside look at the experience, but there' nothing like living it.

    The only edge play I wouldn't know where to start with would be fireplay. I understand the concept, but I think to really feel it you need to...well, at very least see it in person. Finding a place where I could safely have it done on me would be ideal though.

  9. Have you ever come to a pic decision that YOU feel personifies any of the central characters esp. Cyrus that you could share?

  10. June asked the question that I was wondering about-if this was a stand alone book or did I need to read the other one first. It sounds like such a good book. Hope I win it and then I'll go back and get the first one. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  11. For Cyrus it's hard, because he's so clear in my head, and no one that I've ever seen looks quite like him, but a combo of Rick Hearst and Sean Kennan (those eyes and that crooked smile!) comes close.

    For Joe I always pictured Vin Diesel

    Lydia...hmm...this picture reminds me of her somewhat

    I am absolutely positive the readers see entirely different people though. Books let us cast our own characters in our minds. One of the things I love about them!

  12. Thank you all so much for your questions! I just realized I never gave a closing date for my little giveaway, but since I'm now taking part in a blog hop, I figured now was as good a time as any!

  13. Alrik needs to exact revenge on Cyrus. The story would definitelyland in my Kindle as soon as release.


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