This year got off to a rough start, but I'm so excited that I'm finally able to share GILDED: NEW RULES TRILOGY BOOK 2 with you all! As you probably know, I already had a ton of books to work on and POLISHED: NEW RULES TRILOGY BOOK 1 came as a surprise. Honestly, I was inspired one day and always wanted to write a m|m|m, so the story just flowed. There wasn't the pressure that comes with working on a popular series. I could just let the characters speak to me, didn't have to rush, and didn't have a decade's worth of story to weave in. Which was refreshing and fun. I love every single book I write, but I also enjoy a new challenge and exporing different genres. I loved the idea of a rags to riches story, three very different men exploring a complicated relationship, and a HEA that made me feel really good about their future together. Having the same three characters in three books is different for me, but sticking to one POV in each as their journey contin...