OFFSIDE (The Datmouth Cobras #4) Month Long Blog Tour! (And release date)
Six months since the release of Breakaway. Gods, it seems so much longer. Something about writing Offside was different than any of the other books I've written. The characters took their sweet time telling me their stories, but they'd give me hints from time to time that made my breath catch.Everything I could see, everything I couldn't, came together in a way that was downright heartbreaking at times. But their story is written and I'm so excited to get it out to all of you! There's really no way to share the experience of this story without you living it with the characters. Originally I'd hoped to get Offside published some time in early April, but the hard work and determination of my team managed to push that date up a little. Offside will be back from the formatter no later than March 27th! Which means it will be available to you all some time tomorrow! In other news, for those who don't follow me on facebook, there will be a month long tou...